What Does it Take to Ensure Accurate and Timely NAV?

Net Asset Value (NAV) is value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time. For fund managers, this means that accurate prices must be provided on a daily basis in a highly regulated and fast-moving environment – this post goes through four steps that elaborate on how to ensure accurate and timely NAV in relation to processes, system and platform, data and controls.

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RTS 27 – A Contribution to Transparency?

Among many requirements under MiFID II, RTS 27 demands from market makers, liquidity providers and Systematic Internalisers, the quarterly publication of data related to the quality of execution of the institutions concerned.

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#Fintechgration Is Coming

The Capital Markets are constantly evolving. Especially, disruptive technologies are pushing boundaries within the FinTech space of Capital Markets. Being part of this journey, is one of the main reasons for why I joined Capital Market Partners (CMP). At CMP, I have the opportunity to develop my passion for FinTech and have focus on future trends and technologies from a business perspective. For this reason, my colleague Sebastian Olguin Sørensen and I would like to give our view on FinTech in the Capital Markets, how it will evolve in the coming years, and what to prepare for. We will launch our FinTech initiative, Fintechgration 7×7 Pitch Event on June 21st — The event is open for everyone, but offers limited seating, so join now!

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CFA: Day #1 – Conference kickoff

First day and the kickoff for the conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate Partner at CMP, shares his learning point form the hot topics and the events at the CFA Institute Annual Conference

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Capital Market Partners A/S delivers a tailor-made CRM solution for Nykredit Markets

In the spring of 2011 Nykredit Markets starts a range of initiatives to improve customer-servicing, which includes introducing a CRM system. Nykredit Market’s Business Support team quickly finds that their existing CRM tools cannot be brought together into a common platform, and therefore they launch an analysis of the various systems available in the market. This doesn’t succeed in finding a standard CRM system that satisfies the specific requirements of a Capital Market/ trading operation- at least not without costly modifications.

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