CMP is proud to specialize within PORTMAN, a leading asset management solution provided by the Danish tech company Vitec Aloc.

CMP offers to assist clients during all phases of implementation and operation of PORTMAN front-to-back solutions. We offer unparalleled end-user support on daily operations, maintenance of existing solutions, and report setup.

CMP understands your business and how PORTMAN is implemented.

We act as a trusted partner during upgrade. We are assisting you during the upgrade, to test what is important to your current and future setup. As a trusted partner of Vitec Aloc, we are on top of current upgrades and know how it will impact and benefit your business.

CMP has PORTMAN consultants with expertise to help throughout a multitude of services:

  • Implementation advisory and project management
  • Upstream and downstream integrations
  • Report development and maintenance
  • Upgrade service
  • Support and management services

Reporting Service:

All clients using PORTMAN have developed report and data distribution solutions.

Many clients struggle with the hassle of maintaining the created solutions during an upgrade and over time even when new additional development is needed.

Furthermore, many clients want to utilize the PORTMAN API but don’t have the time or resources to make changes or don’t have the insight and business knowledge of how to do it.

At CMP, we have a great understanding of PORTMAN as a platform and know how all aspects of PORTMAN and the data-model works.

Our subject matter experts take honor in developing reporting solutions allowing the client to get the most out of their PORTMAN solution – whether it concerns direct reporting, or a reporting based on the PORTMAN API, a dynamic reporting solutions, or other integrations.

For further information – Please contact:

Kenneth Brandborg


Tel: +45 6142 4945

To read more about PORTMAN – click here