Business expertise
Accounting-standard, and internal accounting and reporting systems
Asset manager risk management frameworks
Alternative Investments
Buy-side portfolio management, risk management, project management and general management
Capital costs of Derivatives VAR and CVA costs
Capital market and money market infrastructure, payment systems, central banks and regulators,
Cash management
CCP Clearing member services
CDS credit event auction processes
Choice and configuration of market infrastructure and clearing providers
Corporate FX-trading set-ups, processes and contractual frameworks
Corporate treasury operations at stand-alone entity and consolidated group levels
Design and implementation of operational and legal frameworks allowing multi-market trading and post trade handling across asset classes
FX trading
Implementation of banking platforms and enterprise data management systems
Indirect clearing membership
Liquidity management
Managing collateral and payment obligations from derivatives trades
Market access to primary and secondary bond and money markets
Multi-entity and multi-domicile trading system and market access set up
OTC derivatives trade compression
Payment system design and implementation
Post trade and custody systems Regulated markets and OTC trading facilities for securities and derivatives
Risk management and compliance requirements
Roll-out of services and market changes to buy-side and sell side participants
Rule-based systems to assist exception handling of failed trades and reconciliation breaks
Securities financing
Securities issuance processes
Selection and implementation of risk management systems
Selection and implementation of trading systems
Sourcing and using asset reference data, price and trading data
stress testing credit commitments
Trading and post trade processes and life-cycle
Trading counterparty default handling
Treasury operations
Valuation of corporate sales plans, market opportunities and pricing decisions
CMP’s people have mobilised their business expertise over many years, across a range of capital markets actors, contexts and functional areas